528 NE E Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

Saturday, December 17, 4 - 5 pm -- Dr. Ruth Miller ~
Intro and signing on Mary's Power
Mary’s Power ~
Embracing the Divine Feminine as the Age of Invasion & Empire ends
Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-936902-04-0
Trade Paperback, 320 pages
illustrated, indexed with bibliography.
Have you ever wondered why a few men seem to run the world? Are you wondering if there was ever a time without war—or could be? Have you thought about what happened to Mary Magdalene? Do you have a sense that there’s more to the Christ story than you learned in Sunday School?
Our histories focus almost entirely on a relatively small group of men making big decisions in big buildings in cities, but most folks living at any given time were unaffected by their maneuverings. This book looks at “the other half” of the story, explaining how history and religion came to focus on those men, how that tendency affects our lives now, and what new ways of being are emerging. The key to understanding what’s happening today rests with Mary the mother of Jesus, the Magdalene, and their predecessors.
Ruth L Miller, Ph.D. integrates scientific, spiritual, and cultural understanding to clarify metaphysical principles and practices in a way that the “rest of us” can understand them. With degrees in anthropology, cybernetics, environmental studies, and the systems sciences, she was a college professor and futurist before being ordained as a New Thought minister, teaching and serving in Unity, Science of Mind, and Unitarian churches in the Pacific Northwest. She is currently Director of The Portal, Center for Unification of Science, Psyche, and Spirit. Her recent books include Natural Abundance: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Guide to Prosperity, and Make the World Go Away, the gift of 2012. Her website is www.rlmillerphd.com

Added by aquariusbooksandgifts on December 9, 2011