252 S Beach St
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

Dr. Thomas Robert Ames was born in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1930. He graduated from Mainland High School in 1948, moved to New York, and received his Masters and Doctorate Degrees from New York University. He was Professor of Human Services in the Department of Social Sciences at Manhattan Community College until his retirement in 1998, and specialized in the rehabilitation of the developmentally disabled in the areas of program development, sexual education and counseling and the training of human service personnel. During his lifetime he received many awards in his field. He was a member of the Halifax Historical Society and was a generous benefactor of the Halifax Historical Museum. He donated many pieces of family memorabilia, as well as various pieces of art and other collectibles during his lifetime. Dr. Ames died on August 17, 1998, in New York.

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