18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

The art of Dowsing has been practiced worldwide since the early 1500. With the expert guidance and inspiration from Janet Woods, you will better your life in dozens of practical ways by using simple dowsing tools.

You will learn how to locate hidden items, detect harmful radiation in your environment, clear stagnant energy, and develop your intuition. You will also be able to access answers to difficult questions, find underground water, and during the class have an opportunity to practice a new found skill
What You Will Learn
1. How does dowsing work
2. The tools of dowsing, and how to use them
3. How to locate any object
4. How to identify and measure harmful energy
5. How to use a Pendulum for self-improvement
6. How to clear negative energy
Cost $39.00 Material Fee $20.00
( Dowsing Rods & Pendulum)

Added by Drjanet Woods on September 26, 2012

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