49 N 4th St,
San Jose, California 95112

You are invited to be our special guests…

Downtown Neighborhood Party and Ice Cream Social

Sunday October 11, 2009 from 12:30 – 2:30 pm

Fun, Free event for all ages!

Live music by Octobop, a spirited Jazz ensemble

Bounce house for kids

Free games, crafts and face-painting for kids

Free drawings for great prizes

You are invited to bring nonperishable food which will be donated to Sacred Heart Community Service.

For additional information, please contact Peggy at (408) 899-2954.

49 North Fourth Street, San Jose CA 95112
408-297-7212 www.fpcsj.org

Official Website: http://www.fpcsj.org/events.html

Added by First Presbyterian Church of San on October 5, 2009