2 Douglas Ave
Elgin, Illinois 60120

What is Yelp?
Yelp.com is a website that connects locals with great local businesses. Andrea Rubin, Marketing Director for Yelp, will share with businesses the best way to get involved in the Yelp community to ensure you're putting you're business' best foot forward.

What is a Tech Blender?
The place to mix with other tech minded people in Elgin, as an informal approach to connect purveyors of tech. We get together for the first hour to network, learn more about each others' businesses and to seek answers to burning questions.

Afterwards those who desire go to a local watering hole for more in depth conversation. This month the social hour starts at 6:30 at: Elgin Public House, 219 E. Chicago Street

Added by downtownelgin on February 11, 2009

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