5900 Greene St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144

Double the love this year with double the circus fun! Love is in the air at Philadelphia School of Circus Arts (PSCA) with “Double the Love: Intro Circus Workshop” on Saturday, February 11, 2012, at 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM. Couples/pairs are invited to fly during doubles trapeze, work together in doubles acrobatics, and balance on doubles tightwire. Workshop activities are for beginners with no special experience or skills required. “Double the Love” is $25 per person, and open to anyone 16 years and older. Advanced reservations are required by visiting www.phillycircus.com. For additional information, please call (215) 849-1991.

Official Website: http://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=21875&stype=-7&sTG=32&sView=day

Added by koryaversa on January 15, 2012

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