2091 E. Valley Parkway
Escondido, California 92025

Auriel El-Miel was told by Archangel Michael that she is an Ascended Master
and is one of the 144,000 that is written about in the Book of Revelations.

Hear her fascinating story of how from very humble beginnings, she journeyed
to Egypt in 1992 to help create the Doorway of the 11:11 with Solara, which
will someday affect every soul on Earth. It took her three hours to relate
to family and friends all the miracles she experienced while doing the work.

Summer of 1992, Angels influenced her to journey to the desert of CA to have
a profound experience with Melchezideck.

Lastly, In October, 1992, Auriel helped with spiritual cleansing work in
Palenque, Mexico. A shaman had walked through the jungle for two days to
meet them. He learned of their work through mental telepathy.

Auriel from childhood has conversed with Mother Earth. Today, her spiritual
work is to change all negative energy created by mankind to pure love energy
so Mother Earth can evolve spiritually first before we can.

Through her experiences, you will get insight of what is awaiting mankind!

Added by suesmail50 on February 22, 2009