6122-6124 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, California 90028

DOLORES PETERSEN Presents: A Year-round Movable Festival - Seasonal: Winter Spring Summer (Fall)
*Event-venue transitioning - "with a Jazz state of mind." - Duke Ellington / "The Shape Of Jazz To Come" - Ornette Coleman

In Gower Gulch "Hollywood's historic Western-styled corner east of Vine"
venue-reservations: (323) 466-9917

[Updated 11/9/12 12:01am]

SHOWCASE: "Companion Event" (precedes OM/J)

Featured Artist:
Marvin Meisler - vocal
" Dr. Meisler, DDS (retired) - 'balladeer' Meisler 'Care' A tribute to his beloved. "

D'z select "NO Lady 'n' Gentlemen" In-House Live Jazz Trio - "cabaret, pop & Jazz"
Rick Hils - piano
" A popular local, subbing For: 'Lady' Hernandez " (chil-lax'n)
Karen Hernandez - Music Director/piano (reg. pianist ,out this evening)
"Superb pianist, a local treasure" - Glenn A. Mitchell, L.A. Jazz Scene
Tony Dumas - bass
"The greatest bassist in America." - Jo Instone-Brewer, Great Britain, saxophonist
Ralph Penland - drums
"An outstanding drummer! An unpretentiously intelligent soloist" - Leonard Feather, Encyclopedia of Jazz

Music Consultant:
Karen Hernandez - Arranger

Event Presenter:
Dolores Petersen - Founder/(Reg.) Host
"1st Lady of Diverse Live Music"

Event Info: artist & venue
Dolores Petersen, A. Pro-Advocate Rep. (Artist, Promoter, Advocate & Representative)
E-mail: [email protected]
Info #: (323) 632-1640 (business hours M-F 9am-5pm)

[LAST WEEK ♪♫] ...told U Marilyn & James gon'na blow the roof-off!

* Recommended - Please see our listings @ http://www.lajazz.com/index.cfm) "A Community-Supported Guide to Jazz Events, Jazz Musicians, and Jazz Venues in Southern California" (+ CabWest, Constant Contact, Meetup & updates on fb, Twitter & Yahoo Upcoming)

Mindful dinner show etiquette & courtesy required during performances. Space permitting, valued venue diners & bar only patrons are requested to support TIPS. (20% minimum entertainment gratuity suggested)

Turn off cell phone ringers.

Absolutely NO outside event promotion/solicitation without prior approval.

Absolutely NO audio or video recording w/o prior written authorization(s). No flash, photographing may be dis-allowed during performance.

House event approved event photographers; Warren Berman, Ricky Knack, Yolanda Poe, Jennifer Ruggiero, Marie Runsey & Acel Troutman.

This event is supported w/ Patron of Arts Event TIPS. (contributions encouraged & solicited)

Rights & Reproductions:
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Site and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed in any way to any other computer, server, Web site or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without express prior written consent.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/events/379148488830239/

Added by DojO on November 9, 2012



(copy/paste from fb Event pg.)
"Hi Everybody. We just want to thank so many friends for coming out Thursday night and sharing our birthday party through beautiful music, great food, fabumost musicians, and the incomparable Dolores Petersen hosting. Too many people to thank, but... Great seeing you all and having some quality time together. Much love," - Marilyn & James

"Dolores Petersen: Big thanks, hugs and kisses, for being our musical fairy godmother. Thank you for the opportunity, thank you for all your organizational skills, and management of an ongoing successful venue. We all depend on you, and I'm afraid we don't always remember to tell you that. We had an excellent evening. A lot of people came in for us for their very first time at HSB&G, and they can't wait to come back. They're very impressed... our wonderful musicians: Karen Hernandez, Tony Dumas, and Ralph Penland. And YOU make all of this possible. We love it!!! XOXOXOXO" - Marilyn & James

"Seriously, Dolores; we had a MAHVELOUS time. Our friends... were blown away... the experience, esp. the ones (colleagues & neighbors) who didn't even know we sing! A lot of folks were unable to attend due to colds and schedule problems, so I think there's an even bigger audience out there waiting." - Marilyn

Interested 1