222 E. Erie Street, Suite 330
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

We work in a quickly evolving industry. New versions of software, browsers and social media launch so often, keeping up can be a challenge. Today clients expect that creative professionals, regardless of title, know it ALL! C2 understands your pain.

To the rescue, C2 presents two sets of expertise: Andrew Wintheiser and the team from Lightburn Designs, and Jeff Larche, owner of Digital Solid. Andrew will clarify and simplify some of the more complex elements of search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) and search engine marketing (SEM). Andrew will fill the first part of the afternoon with best practices, resources and case studies to help demystify these crucial web acronyms.

Jeff Larche will then demystify one last, but arguably most important, acronym: return on investment (ROI). He’ll walk you through some simple steps and web analytics to help you report, in real dollars, the effectiveness of your online work. Jeff explains, “It’s ironic that something so measurable – online marketing – should also be so difficult to quantify. But there have been recent gains in web analytics. They’ve produced technique you can take your clients through to can help them estimate their current ROI.” He’ll also show how you can use current measurements as a benchmark, to gauge progress in growing ROI over time.

Added by C2 Graphics Productivity Solutio on September 11, 2009