333 W Hoover St
Westfield, Indiana 46074

Imagine growing up as a little girl on an Indiana farm in The Great Depression. If you didn't make it or grow it - you didn't have it! One day, your big brother boards a train for a CCC work camp. Soon, a $25 check is arriving monthly in the mail to your family. Your parents are able to buy food and other necessities. There's even enough money left over to buy you a new dress and bonnet for Easter. This really did happen, it's in his book!

Since 1992, Bill Jamerson has researched the Civilian Conservation Corps, the 1930's jobs program. He interviewed hundreds of former CCC enrollees and used their stories in his PBS documentary "Camp Forgotten," his historical novel "Big Shoulders" and his CD of songs "Dollar-A-Day Boys." In this program, Bill will share many of these stories about the men and the projects they completed across the country, and he'll take you on a rollicking journey back to the days when Benny Goodman was the King of Swing and a soda cost a nickel. He'll perform half a dozen original songs, reads from his novel and shows a short clip from his video. The stories are heartwarming and often hilarious.

He has presented his program in eleven states for over 100 libraries and for dozens of state and National Parks, from the Great Smokey Mountains to Cuyahoga Valley National Park. This free presentation is a must for anyone who enjoys 1930's history or wants to learn about it. Join us on Saturday, March 10th @ 11AM.

Official Website: http://www.wwpl.lib.in.us/

Added by Westfield washington Public libr on March 5, 2012