1244 South Bascom
San Jose, California 95128

Laminate floors are popular. They look like wood floors and are extremely durable and easy to install. Laying a laminate floor takes planning and skill, but the payoff is a beautiful result, pride of accomplishment, and a lot of money saved. We'll teach you the step-by-step method the professionals use.

In this hands-on class, you will learn:
* The tools you'll need and how to use them
* How to estimate the amount and types of flooring and other materials you'll need
* How to lay out the floor and get started
* How to install click-together laminate flooring
* How to trim the floor with special molding

All DIY Academy classes are hands-on seminars. You'll learn what to do, then actually practice doing it.

Official Website: http://www.DIYAcademy.com

Added by FullCalendar on November 7, 2009