45 Main Street, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, New York 11201

7:00 - 7:30 Intro to Django. I'll be conducting an introduction to
Django that will be friendly to people with no background in it
whatsoever. Old hands may wish to opt to show up at 7:30 and skip
this. If you what to know what all the fuss is about, this is the
place to start.

7:30 - 7:35: Group updates. A couple of quick group announcements.

7:35 - 8:00: contenttype and Generic Relations: Kevin reviews the
django.contrib.contenttype framework and how to use generic
relations. Data modeling awesomeness.

8:00 - 8:30: Lightning talks:
- Porting to 1.0 (Eric)
- django-environment (Loren)
- django-issues (Peter)
- TWID (Kevin)

Official Website: http://groups.google.com/group/django-nyc

Added by howiworkdaily on October 6, 2008



Hi Loren,

I'll be attending, but I'm not ready to give the "porting to 1.0" talk. I've been busy getting porting my site to slicehost.

Best wishes,