Lorraine Johnson, author Tending the Earth, and contributor to Canadian Gardening , Gardening Life, and This Magazine, and member of the board of directors of the North American Native Plant Society, moderates a discussion that is sure to spark debate! Mark Jaccard, author of Sustainable Fossil Fuels: The Unusual Suspect in the Quest for Clean and Enduring Energy, shortlisted for the 2005 Donner Prize, believes that we have the technological capability to use fossil fuels without emitting pollutants. Terry Glavin, author of Waiting for the Macaws, believes that all extinctions are related and that the language of environmentalism is inadequate to describing this great unravelling. Wayne Grady, author of Bringing Back the Dodo and co-author of the bestselling Tree: A Life Story, was written in collaboration with David Suzuki, searches our history and prehistory to explain why humans love nature and fear it at the same time.
Hart House
7 Hart House Circle
Room: East Common Room
Original Posting
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Added by saira on April 24, 2006