5940 SW Hood Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97239

Discover Aromatherapy:
This four week course is designed for anyone who wants to begin to explore the world of aromatherapy and essential oils. It is for general interest and does not award continuing education or other credit. This is not an in-depth study of aromatherapy; it is designed to give you key information so that you can begin to use aromatherapy effectively and safely for yourself. For a full course description, go to: http://www.achs.edu/course-desc.aspx?pid=109&id=1

Discover Herbs:
This introductory course will teach you to:
• Explain and discuss the foundation of herbal medicine;
• Identify what makes herbs work;
• Describe the concept of standardization;
• Describe how to reduce dosages for certain groups;
• Create herbal preparations;
• Recognize and confidently use eight common herbs, including Chamomile, Dandelion, Horehound, and Lavender;
• Cook using herbs, including edible flowers, culinary herbs, and weeds.

For a full course description, go to: http://www.achs.edu/course-desc.aspx?pid=108&id=2

Official Website: achs.edu

Added by Australasian College on February 13, 2009