One Doubletree Drive
Rohnert Park, California 94928

Please join us for this Very Special Event Monday February 1st at 6:00 pm when we welcome Direct Selling Women's Alliance Founder and CEO, Nicki Keohohou:

From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed


Moving from trying to do it all to doing what’s important and enjoying the journey.


If you have ever felt that you are moving at full speed, but not getting the results you want in business and life, then…this workshop is for you. If you are feeling stressed and not enjoying life to the fullest, then…you won’t want to miss this event.

You will leave this workshop with:

* An understanding of how you can let go of the outcome and enjoy the process
* New options for word choices to inspire yourself to success
* Ideas on how to prioritize your day
* Steps of how to group activities and simplify your life
* Methods to delegate more and have others agree to action and be accountable
* Tips on how to save time and energy
* A specific plan of how you will focus on income producing activities

Share this great training with all your direct selling friends. Now is the time to move from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed!


Nicki Keohohou is the founder of the Direct Selling Women's Alliance. Nicki began her career as a direct seller more than 30 years ago. Today she teaches and motivates direct sellers around the world through her workshops, seminars and tapes. She has been a successful distributor, corporate executive and consultant for hundreds of corporations including many of the industry’s leading companies.

Through conference trainings and keynote addresses, Nicki is known for inspiring attendees to greater achievement with her enthusiasm, passion and industry insights. Her innovative workshops are filled with content and exercises that teach direct sellers how to perfect the skills that yield lasting success.


Monday February 1st, 2010

Doubletree Hotel, Rohnert Park

Registration 6:00-6:30pm

Seminar 6:30-8:30pm

Registration for members and non-members is $25, payable at the door by check.


Bring a Friend! Invite Your Team!

Official Website:

Added by karen-clark on January 21, 2010

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