1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

Naples has a long history of producing a variety of famous dishes and wine; it draws its influence from different civilizations which have ruled the city at various times such as the Greeks, Spanish, and French. It's hot in Naples, so the tomatoes are sweet and the wine is strong. So are the pizza makers who work on rolling out the dough, putting every muscle they have into it. It's the key to the perfect elasticity, the chewiness, and the yeastiness that makes the best base for a true Neapolitan pizza. While we'll let the machines do most of the work for us, start your own "Eat, Pray, Love" experience at home by learning how to make the best pizza crust ever!

Note: the dessert is made ahead. Most all of our desserts are taught in our Baking classes should you be more interested in the Baking side of things.

Official Website: https://www.welldonecc.com/classdetail.aspx?class_id=78#.UWPOuRmSP4M

Added by Well Done on April 8, 2013

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