Chennai, null 600008

Recognizing the increasing need for professionals to enhance their etiquette skills, Small Talk is conducting a workshop on “Fine Dining- Demystified”. This will allow participants to improve their dining etiquette skills. It will prepare them not only to attend formal dinners, but will accustom them to international dining trends and cross cultural differences that have become more significant in today’s competitive business environment.
We urge you to send your employees for this practically designed workshop that will prepare them not only to attend formal dinners with increased confidence, but will also accustom them to international dining trends and cross cultural differences.
To be held on 6th December’08, the registration fee for the one-day workshop is Rs. 1500, which includes a three-course meal and “Dining Skills for today”, presented by Geethalatha, founder of Small Talk English Centre and etiquette trainer.

For registration details, please contact 9841533982 or 044- 2474 4945 or email to [email protected].

Added by Small Talk on December 1, 2008

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