10275 N De Anza Blvd
Cupertino, California 95014

Your next computing device may not be a traditional Windows PC or Macintosh machine. Apple claims we are entering a "post-PC era." Apple and Google are taking computing into "the cloud." Both companies are emphasizing tablet devices along with laptop-like machines that are cheaper and faster with fewer moving parts.

What does this mean for you? Technology journalist Julio Ojeda-Zapata will help you make sense of these seismic changes. He will talk about iPads, Chromebooks and other newfangled gadgetry that are changing the nature of business computing. It is an exciting and confusing time -- so this is a fantastic way to get up to speed.

You'll learn about:

* Apple's iPad and why it's a killer business device
* Other kinds of tablets, and to what extent they can fill business needs
* Let alternatives that aren't old-fashioned Macs and PCs. These include new kinds of Google-powered notebook running a stripped down, browser-based Chrome OS.
* Handheld devices, including iPhones and other smartphones, and how they can become powerful productivity consoles despite their small sizes
* Social media, and how it's more important than ever for business as we enter a post-PC era

Julio Ojeda-Zapata is the author of two Happy About books, "iPad Means Business" and "Twitter Means Business." He has been on the front lines of the Internet and technology revolutions as a tech columnist, editor and award-winning reporter for more than a decade. He covers consumer technology for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, a MediaNews Group paper (and a sister paper to the San Jose Mercury News). He is a nerd. A native of Quito, Ecuador, he was raised in San Juan, P.R. and lives in St. Paul, Minn., with his wife and son.

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/HappyAbout/events/21892991/

Added by FullCalendar on July 10, 2011