5605 N Crescent Blvd
Pennsauken, New Jersey 08110

In this class you will learn how to transfer pictures to a computer, create a Shutterfly account, upload these images onto the web, and begin sharing. This class requires you to bring (1) your own camera, (2) a charged battery, (3) a memory card, (4) a USB cord for your camera, and (5) your camera manual. You must also have an e-mail account and be registered for the class.

Instructor will be Barb Piperno.

There are three convenient ways to sign up for a computer class:
1) Sign up at the Circulation Desk on your next visit to the library.
2) Call the Circulation Desk during regular hours at (856) 665-5959 ext. #3, to schedule your class.
3) Email us your request at [email protected]

Added by Pennsauken Free Public Library on January 12, 2011