Great John Street
Manchester, England M3 4FD

Conversion Marketing
How do you reach your customers and deliver a return on effectiveness from digital channels?
In the congested and confusing digital world it is becoming harder to find and drive profitable traffic.

We are starting our Digital Conversation season with three expert views that will cover the best practices used to create, implement and develop a Conversion Marketing strategy that delivers an end-to-end digital brand experience.

Using SEO, Conversion Rate Optimisation and Design for Conversion, we will show you how to identify, target and reach your customers and motivate them to engage with your brand.

The Client:
Alastair Thornton, Head of Digital Marketing at Auto Trader talks about their winning strategy of insight, planning, SEO and creative and how this combination has changed the way they approach digital conversion forever.

The SEO Expert:
Talks about how to engage the most profitable customers and how some of the world’s most successful brands are leading the way.

The Creative Director:
Talks about how to create the most effective digital brand experiences which increase the desire to convert.
Can we convert you to Conversion Marketing?
Be part of our conversation ;

Date: 11th May 2010
Venue: Roof Lounge, Great John Street Hotel, Manchester, M3 4FD
RSVP: [email protected]

5.30 - Arrival drinks
6.00 - Welcome
6.10 – Auto Trader
6.40 - Seo
7.00 – Creative
7.20 - Drinks and canapés and the odd bit of mingling!

Added by buchanankirstie on May 4, 2010