320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Over 70 million people are affected by DIGESTIVE disorders.
Join us on Thursday, November 18th at 6 PM, as author and
anti-aging researcher Randy Karp returns to New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace and reveals what you need to know to
improve your digestion now, naturally.
The key to optimum health is a healthy digestive tract. Do
Antacids cause indigestion? Can acid reflux medicines
pave the way for cancer? Does drinking milk make your body
unhealthy? What about tea and coffee? Discover little known
secrets for a healthier life. It just may be the gift of a lifetime.

Randy will also be signing advanced copies of his new book
Misinformed about Food!

New Frontiers: We’re all about Your quality of life!

Added by priyadrews on October 29, 2010

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