1395 Brickell Avenue
Miami, Florida

To celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II

The British American Business Council in Miami,
in the presence of Her Majesty's Consul General Kevin McGurgan O.B.E.
and Mrs. Victoria McGurgan,

cordially invites you to a Gala Dinner & Dance

on Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 pm
at the Conrad Ballroom
1395 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131

Book your seats: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e5q651cw1ff75440&oseq=
Members: Individual $135, table of ten $1,250
Non-Members: Individual $165, table of ten $1,500
(includes five course British themed dinner, wine, beer, and signature rum drinks
throughout the evening, silent auction and dance, raffle for a four-day break in
London for two)

Dress: Evening Attire - Black Tie

A portion of the proceeds will go to Miami Children's Hospital Foundation.
For additional information contact the Business Council Miami (305) 377-0992.

Official Website: http://www.babcmiami.com/SitePages/Home.aspx

Added by Georgette Pepper on May 23, 2012

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