6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

Games are the most downloaded applications in the exploding iOS app market. This class will fill your programming arsenal with a swath of advanced tools for implementing great art, audio, physics and more. You'll learn a range of frameworks and tools, from producing everything yourself in low-level openGL to using industry-standard engines like the Unreal UDK. Using the iPad 2's new camera and gyroscopes, you can even create Augmented Reality apps targeted for Apple's iPad 2.

To be prepared for this class, you need to have taken the Objective-C class or have equivalent experience. You will finish a complete gaming app by the end of the week.

Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Day 1
Principles of Game Design
Using Interface Builder for game layout
Finding resources: expensive, cheap and free
Introduction to simple image manipulation
2D gaming with CoreAnimation
Playing video natively and from the web

Day 2
Integrating Facebook Connect
Importing custom fonts
Adding simple 2D Audio
Intuitive, Interactive Menus
openGL ES 2.0- 2D

Day 3
Intro to the Unreal 3D Game Engine
Implementing Great Game GUIs
openGL ES 2.0- 3D
Collision detection in 2D and 3D
Using the 2D box physics engine
Quaternions, Matrix Manipulations and Vector Math

Day 4
openGL shaders
Intro to the Unity3D Game Engine
Particle Effects for water, fire and special effects
3D spacial sound with openAL
Increasing user engagement to maximize downloads
Using the Gyroscope and Camera for iPad 2 games

Day 5
openGL lighting
Game Center Integration with Leader
boards and Achievements
Apple Push Notifications
In-App Purchases to support the freemium model
Intro to the cocos2D Game Engine

Contact: Cari Jones, Corporate Account Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 407-354-4866

Official Website: http://www.fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?v=Apple&g=iOS+App+Development&i=1240

Added by Fmc-Orlando on October 18, 2011

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