B-204,Parmar Trade Centre,Sadhu Vaswani Chowk
pune, Maharashtra

Desultory Dilemmas - Artworks by Dibakar Das. Curated by: Raju Sutar. Primarily, ink on tinted-handmade paper alongside mixed mediums Dibakar Das' work articulates his stream of consciousness. The young artist finds himself in a developing chaos, sold to its numbing consumers. The expression is not merely the classic frustration of a struggling artist or the youthful uncertainty about living and rent. What is peculiar, is that these are impressions of a mind who exists within the context of 21st century urban India . The picture is not pretty: lack of profound thought, aesthetic experiences, a blind race towards economic power or even simple care, fuels helpless aggression. While common man numbs his soul, the artists experience the poison our society injects into itself. A vocabulary of lines representing the overlaps of daily thoughts, like jottings in dairy have become a habitual relief for Dibakar. His practice is that of channeling the underlying distress and overload of reflections onto paper. Every reaction, becomes another line. Sometimes pleasant visuals of past memories enter his frame rendering the image into a game of fleeting time. The debutant is an admirer of the linear quality present in Ganesh Pyne, which he willingly accepts. He battles turning into a product, which is the fate of artists in any capitalist society. I want to survive, he says holding onto his 'no compromises' attitude.

Official Website: http://www.buzzintown.com/?137337&ref=yupg&refcity=11

Added by Rupsha on September 17, 2009