1 Market Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, California


This two-day instructor-led training course provides attendees with a hands-on experience designing user experiences for Windows using Expression Blend a new tool for designers that enables them access to the power of the Windows Presentation Foundation.

About the Training:
In this course students will work with the following tools and technologies:

Expression Blend
Expression Design
NET Framework 3.0, Windows Presentation Foundation, XAML
Visual Studio 2005
Students will cover topics such a designing the user interface for a video player and then converting that into an actual fully functioning video player by defining dynamic layout, creating custom controls, incorporating video, binding controls to work with each other, binding to external XML data to create an interactive video catalog and more. Designers will also experience other real world scenarios where they will discover the huge potential that Expression Blend enables them to have to dramatically increase the experience of a Windows application. After the course, students will get access to a website containing all of the training materials.

Course Outline: Module
Intro to Microsoft UX
½ hr.
In this session you will be introduced to the complete offer from Microsoft to create compelling User Experiences for Windows and the Web.

Principles of UX
Microsoft UX Platform
Designer & Developer Collaboration
Overview of Microsoft Expression
Expression Design
3 hr.
In this session you will experience the professional vector based graphic support of Expression Design. At the end you will use your creativity and design style to create an entire Video Player user interface.

Intro to the tool
Vector Drawing tools
Vector Transformation & Effects
Exporting to XAML
End-to-End Design Activity (Video Player)
Other Content Tools
1½ hr.
In this session we will quickly review different professional design tools we use every day and we will provide you with some tips and tricks so you can prepare rich media content for Expression Blend.

Tips and Tricks to prepare 3D, Graphics, Video and Audio content for WPF using popular design tools.
Intro to Expression Blend
4 hr.
In this session you will learn the basics of Expression Blend in a fun end-to-end scenario where you will create a Video Player prototype. Through-out the session we will also provide some mini-labs that will help you learn more about WPF topics.

Intro to Expression Blend
Managing your Project
Defining Dynamic Layout
Customizing Controls
Defining Triggers
Implementing Animation
Incorporating Media Element
Setting Up Data Binding
Defining a Custom Window
School of Fine Art
4 hr.
In this session you will go through a different approach to collaborate with developers to create a Windows experience. In this case you will be provided with a poorly designed WPF project built in Visual Studio. The project works perfectly and is robust and reliable, but you need to make it look much more attractive and compelling.

Opening Visual Studio projects in Blend
Defining Window and Control Layout
Incorporating Graphical Assets from Expression Design
Applying Resources
Creating a Repeat Animation
Designing a Custom Looking ListBox
Defining a Custom Window
Fabrikam Retail Store
In this session you will go through another possible WPF collaboration scenario. In this case a designer has prepared some assets and resources for you. You will work on a UI for Fabrikam by following best practices in re-using some of these resources and creating many of your own.

Min and Max Settings in Layout
Applying Existing Resources
Editing the Template of a Button
Simple Rollover
Animated Rollover
Animated Rollout
Inserting Content into Buttons
Binding to External XML Data
Customizing ListBox Template
Incorporating Developer Created Value Converters
Use Data Context to Create Details View
Databinding to Object Properties
3D, Animation and Triggers
Developer & Designer Collaboration
Collaboration via Events
Collaboration via Custom User Controls
Collaboration via CLR Object

Target Audience:
This course is intended for user interface designers with advanced experience with Flash or Director. An understanding of Visual Studio 2005 or programming skills is not required. However, students may find familiarity with Visual Studio and the software development process beneficial.

This course does not require prior experience using Expression Blend or Windows Presentation Foundation. However, before attending this class, we suggest students:

Build an understanding of .NET Framework 3.0
Experience using Expression Blend by downloading it here: http://www.microsoft.com/expression

Official Website: http://www.msusapartnerreadinessevents.com/content/shoppingcart.asp?CcpSubsiteID=20&vdid=0&mscssid=0W7568BNXHD48NA9S5ECGXVNBL7F1K10&hdnPrivateEventID=&PreRegistrationID=

Added by artificialignorance on May 22, 2007

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