1 Spring Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Companies throughout the world have recognised that “user experience” lies at the core of continued success - hence the creation of new roles for user experience professionals.

In this presentation Shane Morris, User Experience Evangelist for Microsoft Australia, will discuss how he sees design leading innovation in consumer and enterprise markets into the future.

Join your peers in design, technology and interactive media to learn from and be inspired by one of the leading thinkers in our industry as Shane challenges the way you view the role of the user in design and innovation.

Event Details
Date: Wednesday 22 August
Time: 6:15pm (for 6.30pm start) – 7.30pm
Cost: $35 AIMIA Members, $45 AIIA/AFA Discount, $55 Non- Members
Sponsor: Microsoft

Please click this link to register - https://www.conferenceonline.com/index.cfm?page=booking&object=conference&id=9145&categorykey=A3CCC903-C63C-4BCC-9A98-253C5E5D6D8D&clear=1

About Our Speaker - Shane Morris
Shane Morris is one of Australia’s most experienced user interface design professionals, having worked in usability and user interface design since 1991. In that time he’s worked on traditional graphical user interfaces, web sites, kiosks, multimedia products, mobile applications and physical devices. Shane has taught user-centred design techniques in the USA, UK, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. His clients have included Sensis, Lonely Planet, Hewlett Packard U.S., Telstra, The Australian Football League, Telecom New Zealand and the Royal Australian Air Force.

With formal qualifications and experience in computer science and cognitive science, as well as extensive management experience, Shane has a unique appreciation of the human factors, technical factors and business factors that drive successful interactive technologies. In today’s market, new products must be more than just “useable” – they must also meet requirements of functionality, localisability, performance, maintainability, market appeal, time to market and return on investment.

Shane is a member of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group and the Usability Professionals Association. He has also lectured in Information Architecture and Usability Evaluation at Swinburne University in Melbourne.

Previously General Manager - Victoria for the Hiser Group and Principal of Echo Interaction Design, Shane joined Microsoft Australia as a User Experience Evangelist in 2006.

Shane’s User Experience blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/shanemo

Official Website: http://www.aimia.com.au/i-cms?page=3338

Added by Daniel Banik on July 26, 2007