616 Nw 21st Ave
Portland, Oregon 97209

Design à Trois is a three night event exploring rock poster design, book cover design and type design. We’ll kick things off with acclaimed rock poster design documentary, “Died Young, Stayed Pretty.,” by filmmaker, Eileen Yaghoobian. Next up will be “You SHOULD Judge a Book by Its Cover” – an insightful and amusing presentation on 50+ of the weirdest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude with the national premiere of Punchcut’s newest installment of the Typophile Film Fest, a collection of typographic film shorts. Cancel any existing plans – this event is not to be missed!

Died Young, Stayed Pretty. by filmmaker Eileen Yaghoobian
“Died Young, Stayed Pretty” (http://www.diedyoungstayedpretty.com/) is a candid look at the underground poster culture in North America. This unique documentary examines the creative spirit that drives these indie graphic artists. They pick through the dregs of America’s schizophrenic culture and piece them back together. What you end up with is a caricature of the black and bloated heart that pulses greed through the US economy. The film gives us intimate look at some of the giants of this modern subculture.

Directly after the film, Eileen and the following panel of local rock poster designers will field questions from the audience, led by moderator, Tim DuRoche: Art Chantry, Dan Stiles, Guy Burwell, Mike King and Lloyd Winter. Then we’ll head off to Slabtown to rock out to Old Growth and headliner, The Science of Yabra

Film venue: Cinema 21, 616 NW 21st Ave., Portland, OR
Cost: (members/non-members/students)
Regular Price: $8.00
Student: $7.00
62+Senior: $5.00
Child: $5.00

Advance tickets available at http://www.cinema21.com/#diedyoungstayedprett

After-party venue & bands:

1033 NW 16th avenue
Portland, OR

Old Growth: www.myspace.com/oldgrowthmusicpdx
Science of Yabra: www.myspace.com/scienceofyabra2


Many thanks to our gracious sponsors…
* Cinema 21 – http://www.cinema21.com/
* Art Institute of Portland – http://www.aiopen.com/portland/
* Partners on Demand (sustainable printer) – www.partnersondemand.com
* Professional Sign & Graphics - http://www.thesignpros.com/

Official Website: http://portland.aiga.org/events

Added by aigaportland on August 14, 2009