14347 West Colfax Avenue
Lakewood, Colorado 80401

Denver author Bill Sonn’s book, Paradigms Lost: The Life and Deaths of the Printed Word is being celebrated on Wednesday October 11, 2006 at 7pm with an event at the Denver West Barnes and Noble. Bill will be reading, conducting a Q&A and signing copies of his book. The Denver West B&N is located at 14347 West Colfax Avenue Lakewood, CO 80401.

More than simply a history, Sonn's book traces the accidents, inventions, and forces, as well as the eccentric personalities and geniuses who accelerated information transformation and caused the world to literally change. The book traces the seismic societal shifts which followed each dramatic drop in the cost of written knowledge, back to the beginning of civilization. Though it doesn't claim to know ‘What's next?’ Paradigms Lost provides some background for what, if the past is any guide, may be coming.

Added by ekm1123 on September 28, 2006

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