Wilmington | DE | USA
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Overview : There is no doubt that if you can prove to your CEO's satisfaction that you increased corporate revenues by 10% in a year simply through improved and focused Talent Management activities, you will never have your Talent Management budget cut again! If you would like to take advantage of new HR technologies, new learning and recruiting approaches, you will need significantly higher budget resources.

If you're tired of the long history of "doing more with less", it may be time to adapt a new businesslike approach for convincing cynical executives of the revenue and business impacts of what you do and Talent Management. The current approach of reporting historical metrics like turnover, training hours and cost per hire simply hasn't impressed executives that control the budget strings. Instead what is needed is a more businesslike approach that learns from the successful "business case" approaches used by other business function. The strategy and the process presented here for increasing business impacts and demonstrating them to executives have worked for years in other functions like marketing, finance and supply chain. This powerful session is designed to first demonstrate the language and the type of numbers that impress senior executives.

The session will also show you how to identify what strategic goals and business impacts that executives care most about (i.e. elements of their own bonus formula and corporate strategic goals). The session also highlights and give examples on how different Talent Management areas like recruiting, training, leadership development, retention and on boarding can demonstrate how they can increase revenue, customer service, innovation and product quality. This session will highlight the best practices, and easy to understand approaches that unambiguously show the business impacts of Talent Management. The webinar leader, Dr. John Sullivan, has over three decades of successful experience in helping corporate leaders build powerful business cases.

Why should you attend:
The number one area where CEO's expect improvement is talent management.
If you're going to produce dramatic change in talent management, you have no choice but to be able to generate enough funding to make changes and to add new programs.
Only 12% of surveyed CEOs are happy with human capital management metrics
With the current high level of economic and business uncertainty, it will remain difficult to get high levels of funding without an exceptional business case.
Current methods of convincing executives that rely heavily on historical and tactical metrics have simply not worked in generating increased budgets
There is increased pressure to outsource much of HR or replace it with technology and you won't be able to fight off those trends unless you are able to show how HR deserves to stay well-funded and in-house.
Won't be able to purchase and take advantage of new technologies and software in HR unless you can continually obtain higher funding levels

Areas Covered in the Session:
How can you identify the business impacts that executives care most about?
What are the business impacts that executives use to allocate funding increases?
The importance of getting the CFO's office help in building your business case
What are the Talent Management functions with the highest business impact on profit?
Demonstrating the dollar impact of hiring and retaining top performers and innovators
How prioritization can increase the business impact of talent management
The relationship between your employer brand and productivity and stock price
How improving retention can dramatically impact corporate revenues
Specific examples of what normally excites executives will be included
How you can pretest your business case to ensure that it is effective
Common mistakes to avoid when selling executives on Talent Management programs

Who Will Benefit:
Chief talent officers and directors of Talent Management
The VP of HR
Directors of recruiting and talent acquisition
Directors of leadership development
Directors of development, training and learning
Directors of workforce and succession planning
Directors of HR
Talent management and HR strategists
HR business partners, HR Generalists and HR professionals involved in talent management
HR program managers
Talent management consultants
Operational managers

Dr John Sullivan is a well-known global talent management thought leader and guru. For years he has accurately predicted HR and talent management trends. He is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact strategic solutions. He’s a prolific author with over 900 articles and 10 books covering all of Talent Management. He is an engaging corporate speaker who has excited audiences at over 250 corporations / organizations in 30 countries on all 6 continents. His ideas have appeared in every major business source including the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, CFO, Inc., NY Times, SmartMoney, USA Today, HBR and the Financial Times. He has been interviewed on CNN and the CBS and ABC nightly news. Fast Company called him the "Michael Jordan of Hiring". He served as Chief Talent Officer for Agilent Technologies (the HP spin-off). He is currently a Professor of Management at San Francisco State and CEO of DJS and Associates consulting. His articles can be found on his popular website www.drjohnsullivan.com and on www.ERE.Net

Official Website: http://bit.ly/Pxs3DQ

Added by Russel Stuart on November 7, 2012

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