How the demos works:
5-6 people demo what they have been working on and where their company/idea is at. They get 10 minutes for their demo (strictly timed), followed by 5 minutes of Q&A afterwards. PowerPoint is strictly forbidden. Demos will com from companies in many different stages of their product’s development: from ‘concept’ stage to post beta ‘launch’ stage.
The Goal:
Ultimately the goal of Democamp is to build the tech community in the City of Edmonton. People will get a chance to see what a few people are up to and then interact with other Edmonton and area tech enthusiasts. Everyone is encouraged to join stick around and have a few drinks and interact further.
Who should come:
Everyone. Democamp is a chance to for people in every stage of their involvement in technology to interact and see what else is going on.
Official Website:
Added by camlinke on August 26, 2008