511 E. South Boulder Road
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Coming up in April there's one event you won't want to miss - DEMO DAY!

Our current students in DaVinci Coders will be finishing up their studies with one final performance at Demo Day on Tuesday April 9th. Presentations will involve both solo and team efforts, along with no small amount of ingenuity.

Join us for this festive evening. Light appetizers, drinks, and awesomeness are also on the docket for the event. An After Party will follow at Ralphies Sports Tavern next door.

The end of the DaVinci Coders class in no way means the end for these students. In the same way a diploma doesn’t make you an expert, the process of learning never really stops. Rather, it better frames the road and possibilities that lie before them. It’s an important lesson being able to sustain personal growth moving forward on top of what skills students have gained here in just 11-weeks. It’s no small feat becoming ingrained in a new community and finding a whole new beginning in the software development and design world in this short period of time.


DaVinci Coders is a Ruby on Rails beginner-based, full-immersion, 11-week program designed to help motivated, passionate individuals reboot their lives. Computer programmers are in huge demand and this school is designed to help people like you get started.

Our next classes will start on April 15, 2013. At DaVinci Coders, we're looking for a few remarkable people who want to be a part of this life changing opportunity. Many will apply, but only a few will be chosen. Are you one of them?

Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/644/demo-day-for-davinci-coders-friday-march-29-2013

Added by DaVinci Institute Events on March 12, 2013