One of the most intriguing choreographers to emerge in the last several years, Deganit Shemy has captured attention in her native Israel–where she was named “Young Choreographer of the Year” by the Israeli Ministry of Education (2004)–and also in New York, where she founded Deganit Shemy & Company in 2005. In Arena, five women enact an unsettling and intensely physical game governed by mysterious forces, giving a competitive edge to their world that lies somewhere between the real and the imagined.

Arena is commissioned by the Ringling International Arts Festival and was developed in residence at the Baryshnikov Arts Center. Additional commissioning support provided by Dance Theater Workshop (New York, NY). Arena was made possible, in part, through Sugar Salon, a program developed and administered by the Williamsburg Art neXus (WAX) in partnership with the Department of Dance of Barnard College.

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Added by GravityFree on October 5, 2009

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