913 S. University Ave
University of Michigan, Michigan 48109

According to Dan Okrent, “The digital revolution has upended the roles of bookstores, libraries, publishers, and, of course, readers. It’s the biggest change in the world of words since Gutenberg, and may turn out to be just as beneficial—or even more so.” Hear him talk further in the Hatcher Library Gallery; free and open to the public.

Daniel Okrent is best known as the first public editor at the New York Times, but he first spent more than 25 years in magazine and book publishing, serving as editor at such places as Alfred A. Knopf; Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich; Esquire Magazine; New England Monthly; Life Magazine; and TIME, Inc. He has written several books, including Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in history. He also attended the University of Michigan and worked on the Michigan Daily.

Sponsored by Carl D. Winberg, M.D.

Added by mcmorris on October 3, 2011