1328 Montana Avenue (at 14th Street)
Santa Monica, California 90403

Saturday, July 21 – 7:30 PM
DCP! CITIZEN KANE, 1941, Warner Bros., 119 min. Orson Welles was only 25 when he directed this masterpiece, and it remains one of the most phenomenal motion pictures ever made. Welles stars as Charles Foster Kane, a ruthless man who built a newspaper publishing empire and a character supposedly modeled after the real-life mogul William Randolph Hearst. Trailblazing in so many respects, from Gregg Toland’s complex camerawork and lighting to Bernard Herrmann’s score to one of the finest ensemble casts (including Joseph Cotten, Everett Sloane and Agnes Moorehead) ever assembled. [DCP]

Official Website: http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/aero_theatre_events

Added by AmericanCinematheque on June 30, 2012