The monthly DC Drupal Meetup will take place on Monday, October 20, at 7:00 pm at Stetson's Bar and Restaurant, which is right by the intersection of 16th and U streets, NW. We'll meet at the upstairs bar at Stetson's at 7:00 and will start presentations at 7:30 pm.
This is a community-run event, so please come ready to talk : ) We'll have the usual round of 5-minute lightening talks starting at 7:30 pm. This is your chance to demo a site, talk about a module you're working on, and bring up anything else Drupal-related. They tell us the wireless is working and we'll have a projector, so come ready to show your stuff off. Remember, these meetups are for Drupal developers of all levels, Drupal users, and people just interested in learning more about Drupal, so be sure not to include too much Drupalese.
Hope to see you there!
Added by developmentseed on October 9, 2008