PUBLIC FORUM: Our Environment is Our Health
Ottawa Congress Centre Congress Hall G/H
Sponsored by: Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA), Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), David Suzuki Foundation (DSF), Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Population and Public Health (CIHR-IPPH)
CPHA, OPHA, CIHR-IPPH and the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF) proudly present a public forum to discuss DSFs groundbreaking report, Prescription for a Healthy Canada: Towards a National Environmental Health Strategy. Conference delegates and members of the public will be able to discuss the report's findings with David Suzuki; noted environmental health physician, Lynn Marshall; and Ambassador of Sweden to Canada, Ingrid Iremark, offering an international perspective, based on her countrys national environmental health strategy.
Debra Lynkowski, CEO, CPHA
Garry Aslanyan, President, OPHA
Ingrid Iremark, Ambassador of Sweden to Canada
Lynn Marshall, Co-Chair of the Environmental Health Committee of the Ontario College of Family Physicians
David Suzuki, Chair, David Suzuki Foundation
Moderator: TBC
Event submitted by on behalf of evdg.
Added by elijah on September 7, 2007