1208 Main St
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504

Veteran Nashville singer/songwriter David Olney will stop by The White Hart on his tour to promote his new album, Dutchman's Curve, being released 3/13. Olney's songs have been covered by numerous artists, including Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt, Del McCoury, Lonnie Brooks and many others, winning him a worldwide reputation as one of the best songwriters in America.

"Anyone who mistakenly equates 'singer-songwriter' with bland, pretty guitar strumming will quickly be disabused of that notion... The music's deep-fried in backroads blues, jazz, country and rock Œn' roll, while Olney's MERCILESSLY SHARP, INTELLIGENT LYRICS take dead aim at deception and hypocrisy of all stripes and hit the bullseye."
-- Pasadena (CA) Weekly


Added by debih on April 8, 2010

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