Rose St & E Euclid Ave
Lexington, Kentucky 40508

Renowned and revered the world over as one of the greatest saxophone players of all-time, Sanborn is an artist whose music has inspired countless other musicians while creating a body of work that spans the genres of rock 'n roll, R&B, pop and jazz. A naturally gifted performer, Sanborn has helped define the saxophone's modern sound while influencing generations. Sanborn has worked with many musical legends, such as Stevie Wonder, The Rolling Stone, Paul Simon and James Taylor. He has been awarded several Grammy awards and in the late 1980s he hosted one of the most remarkable musical television programs of all time - Night Music. Sanborn is both an artist and musician - that rare breed of popular recording star as eager today as he was in his youth to continue pushing boundaries and to continue making music that challenges the mind as it rewards the heart and soul.

Official Website:

Added by summer_gossett on August 24, 2010

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