939 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

The Dave MacKay Group (DMG) began as an experiment in sound, an attempt at combining some very different musical ingredients in a big pot with the hope of making some tasty musical soup. The powerhouse quartet of Berklee students includes Dave MacKay, Aman Khosla, Antoine Katz, and JP Bouvet. Over the past few years, the band's sound has evolved into a unique style of instrumental music, which lives somewhere between the worlds of alternative rock, fusion and film soundtracks.

Emily Peal is a redheaded singer-songwriter who is backed by a "band of skinny men." The team of four collaborated on her recent album release Fine Fur Coat, which was a major success on all accounts. Boston Band Crush says, “Emily Peal’s complex songwriting draws us in like a siren song, but like, one where we don’t die once we get there. Backed by her Band of Skinny Men, her powerful and menacing rock belies her cutesy, singer-songwriter appearance."

Here We Just Dream was founded in 2012 by three original members of Pride of the Atlantic, an indie/progressive outlet that played together from 2009 to 2011. Since January of 2012, they have been working on their self-titled debut EP. The Boston-based band anticipates a string of summer dates immediately following their EP release.

Official Website: http://berklee.edu/events/dave-mackay-emily-peal-here-we-just-dream

Added by redroom939 on April 11, 2013

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