801 St. Emanuel
Houston, Texas 77003

Are you tired of the bar scene?

We have the answer for you!

We are Houston’s Premier Social site for Singles. We’re here for Singles who want to get out and meet other Singles in a face to face low pressure environment. It’s exciting, fun, and most importantly a lot safer then going to a bar or night club! Go on 10-15 short “6 minute mini dates” in one night!

Take advantage of your “3 and it’s FREE” Promotion where you invite 3 friends to any event of their choice at a discounted rate, or you attend 3 events of your choice and then your next event will be FREE!!

7:50 PM, Thursday, September 17, at Lucky's Pub
All Single Professionals, Women 21-31 / Men 21-33

Cost is Only $25

Any question email us at: [email protected] or call: 1-866-333-0282 .

Official Website: http://www.datingparties.com

Added by datingparties on August 24, 2009

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