Nairobi, Nairobi Area 254

This course is designed for participants with basic statistics knowledge, who desire to acquire hands-on skills in planning and executing surveys, data processing and analysis of survey data. It endeavours to impact participants with adequate modern skills and technologies in conducting surveys and producing accurate and timely results.

The course is intended for professional practicing as Statisticians, Economists, Researchers, Nutritionists, Financial Analysts, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists, Logisticians, planners, Data Analysts and Data Managers, Information Systems Managers, GIS and Remote Sensing Practitioners and other disciplines in Social and Physical Sciences. Participants who want to broaden their knowledge in conducting surveys may also apply.

Official Website: http://www.indepthresearch.org/index.php?option=com_eventlist&view=details&id=2:dataprocessingandanalysisofsurveydata&Itemid=42#axzz1UoVvbIXh

Added by Indepth Research on August 13, 2011