339 Central Ave
Albany, New York

Dar Williams has become a major force on the New England folk scene. An idiosyncratic songwriter who writes folk songs from a unique, often insightful perspective, Williams takes pains to avoid the coy, and the quirky; her songwriting and performing style has been compared to that of Joni Mitchell and Joan Baez but with a few acidic and, at times, hilarious twists. Williams claims to draw much inspiration from her home community. Her love of the folk scene stems from her admiration of its integrity toward honesty and real emotion, and a creative freedom not found in more popular music genres. She loves trying to use traditional methods to express the realities and foibles of contemporary life. Her last album, My Better Self, found Williams applying her thoughtful brand of folk/pop to a handful of covers, along with her potent original tunes. She was joined on the recording by other luminaries such as Marshall Crenshaw, Ani DiFranco, and Patty Larkin. You won't want to miss your chance to see her in such an intimate setting as The Linda.
This Event is supported by the New York State Music Fund, established by the New York State Attorney General at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Official Website: http://www.wamcarts.org

Added by rorris on September 29, 2006