4411 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006

Danielle Frankenthal: Chaos Contained at Wade Wilson Art
Reception: Friday, October 14 from 6-8 p.m. in conjunction with the galleries of 4411 Montrose
On view September 29 through October 29 during gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-5 * * *
Ten years have transpired since American artist Danielle Frankenthal watched with horror the demise of the World Trade Center towers from her studio window. She channeled her dismay into creative energies which resulted in a haunting and mysterious body of work that launched her on a journey which has taken her literally and spiritually from ashes to light.
An underlying tension parallels the paintings' exquisite luminosity where Frankenthal balances the use of light and color. Philosophically, mark-making in Frankenthal's works embraces tenets of the Concrete Painting movement yet she carefully articulates those tenets in her own particular vocabulary.

Added by Juice Consulting on October 11, 2011

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