149 Girdle Ridge Rd
Katonah, New York 10536

Come to Caramoor for an evening of fun with the kids! Bring a picnic, spread out a blanket, and enjoy great music together. Cady Finlayson and Vita Tanga blend traditional Celtic fiddle tunes with American folk and world music influences. Jigs, Reels, and much, much more will make for a spirited evening of fun for the whole family!

Children of all ages will have the opportunity to dance to live music, interact with the musicians, get to know their instruments, and ask questions. This is a wonderful way to have your child introduced, up close, to music in a relaxed and joyful way. Activities will be designed for toddlers as well as pre-teens.

Official Website: http://www.caramoor.org

Added by Caramoor Box Office Staff on April 27, 2011