920 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Washington 98119

I'd like to invite you to come and see for yourself what all the talk about Dancechurch is about. Dancechurch is a family-friendly alcohol-free community gathering on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month. We dance to awesome music provided by great DJ's and musicians - at volume levels that allow us to hang out and talk to each other.

Come once, and you’ll be hooked! And yes, you could be at home and in bed before 11….

Dancechurch is not just a tekno music event - we feature a variety of genres and styles of music. We've fine-tuned the format to include time for socializing, so please come early (music starts at 7pm) and meet your fellow dancers. Here's what we have in stall for this week:

7pm: DJ Isaac
8pm: Cntl_Alt_Dlt
9pm: DJ Brannon
10pm: Close

Dancechurch is a donation-based event, with a $5 suggested donation. Thank you for supporting sustainability.

See you on the dance floor!

Much love always,

* Would you like to help by welcoming fellow dancers at the door? If you’re able to take a 30 minute shifts, please sign up as you come in the door.

Added by churchofbass on September 30, 2008

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