903 10th St Sw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Each day at the Seals and Sea Lions exhibit across from the Cottonwood Caf , at 10:30 am and 3;30 pm, listen for the trumpeting calls heard throughout the zoo when it's chow-time. Sea lions perch on the rocks and seals jump out of the water to gulp down several pounds of fish. Stop by the polar bear exhibit around 2:30 pm when the keeper comes by to feed the bears. The bears will know the keeper is coming before you do--they can smell the fish he's carrying from a long way off. Inukshuk Bay, the polar bear exhibit, is located on the other side of the green from the bandshell. If you are visiting any day but Monday, you can also ride The Thunderbird Express, a three-quarter scale train sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories and Lockheed-Martin Corporation which operates in a loop through the zoo. Passengers board the train at the Train Station in the Africa exhibit area. The train runs from 10 am to 3:30 pm at 20 minute intervals and tickets may be purchased at the Africa gift shop--$2 for adults and $1 for children.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 7, 2010