184 Bedford Ave.
Brooklyn / Williamsburg, New York 11211

Ever since he can remember, D.B. Rielly has tirelessly pissed his life away, shiftlessly avoiding work to keep his dream alive. Somewhere around the time his liver gave out, he realized he'd forgotten what that dream was. But now he's back on track and pledges to do whatever it was he was supposed to... maybe next weekend after he cleans out the shed and only if it's halftime.
β€œHe takes no prisoners.” β€” Danny Aiello

8pm: American String Conspiracy (www.myspace.com/americanstringconspiracy)
9pm: D.B. Rielly (www.dbrielly.com)
10pm: TBA

Admission is free.
Subway: L (Bedford)

Official Website: http://www.dbrielly.com

Added by dummyboy on November 2, 2010

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