165 West 65th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam
New York, New York 10023

In this old and enduringly resonant love story, beautifully adapted from Rostand’s classic by director Jean-Paul Rappeneau and writer Jean-Claude Carrière and just as beautifully shot by the great Pierre Lhomme, Anne Brochet is Roxane, Vincent Perez is the bumbling Christian, and Depardieu is, of course, the majestic hero. “What other actor would have had the courage to go with such determination so far over the top....Only Depardieu could deliver a dying speech that rises and falls with pathos and defiance, only to end with the assertion that when he is gone, he will be remembered for...what? His heart? Courage? Nothing half so commonplace: For his panache.”––Roger Ebert

Official Website: http://www.filmlinc.com/wrt/onsale/depardieu/cyranodebergerac.html

Added by danielcastellanosnyc on August 12, 2007