2300 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, California 94704

Barefoot Chamber Concerts continues its mission to help you start the weekend right. This Friday evening concert series offers great music in a relaxed setting. The series is committed to musical excellence without the formality of the conventional concert setting. Concerts start at 6 p.m. and will last 60-75 minutes without intermission. Light refreshments will be available, and there will be ample time to move on to other evening entertainments.

On Friday February 19, 2010, Barefoot is delighted to be able to present violinist Cynthia Miller Freivogel playing music by (mostly) J. S. Bach for unaccompanied violin.

Ms. Miller Freivogel is principal violinist of Brandywine Baroque, concertmaster of the Baroque Orchestra of Colorado, and a member of many Bay Area ensembles, including Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, and American Bach Soloists, as well as many period music specialist groups throughout the country. She received a BA in musicology from Yale University and a Master's degree from the San Francisco Conservatory.

The works by Bach for unaccompanied violin are universally acknowledged masterpieces. In writing these works, Bach and pushed the technical limits of the instrument way beyond what was conventional for the time, and used an enormous variety of musical styles and forms to create a body of work for the violin that has never been equaled.

Those of us privileged to have heard Miller Freivogel's stunning showcase performance of the Biber "Mystery" Sonatas last year at the Berkeley Festival have been eagerly waiting to hear her play again. The Denver Post said "She draws a rich range of tonal colors from her violin and brings freshness, verve, and a wonderfully natural sense of phrasing to her playing. It also helps that she just seems so at home in this music." In the perfect acoustic of St. Mark's Episcopal Church Hall, this will be a memorable experience for all lovers of Bach and of the violin.

Official Website: http://barefootchamberconcerts.com

Added by FullCalendar on January 31, 2010

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