2707 South Blvd
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209

Healthy Home Market has grown and thrived in the Charlotte area since 1979 and that's all because of loyal customers like YOU! We want to thank you for all of the support you have given to all of our stores over the past 30+ years through your patronage and appreciation of all things local. What better way to do this than through...........Customer Appreciation Day!

A day when we take care of YOU and your family as our way of saying thank you for taking care of us all these years.

So what's 'in store' for you on this day? We'll have lots of gift baskets to give away - filled with great all natural products to help you stock your cupboards and try new products. There will be practitoners of various skill sets ready to introduce you to new modalities - massage, reiki, light therapy, sound healing, and so much more! There's always plenty to snack on with our local and national food vendors bringing out the best in ready made foods, as well as spices, side dishes, appetizers and anything you can imagine. Entertainment? Why, of course!

We'll have something for everyone in the family, so make sure you stop by any one of our locations during the 1-4pm time and enjoy - it's YOUR day!


At All Locations Including:

•South End: 2707 South Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28209
•Independence: 5410 E. Independence Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28212
•Davidson: 261 Griffith St, Davidson, NC 28036
•Galleria: 1816 Galleria Blvd Suite G, Charlotte, NC 28270

Added by carlydchilds on April 16, 2013

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